SMR - Smart Metals Recycling
SMR stands for Smart Metals Recycling
Here you will find, what does SMR stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Smart Metals Recycling? Smart Metals Recycling can be abbreviated as SMR What does SMR stand for? SMR stands for Smart Metals Recycling. What does Smart Metals Recycling mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Statesville, North Carolina.
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Alternative definitions of SMR
- Saint Mary's Ryken
- Standardized Mortality Ratio
- Suppression Of Mite Reproduction
- Semiconductor mask representation
- Sites and Monuments Record
- Standardized Mortality Ratio
- Submucous Resection
- Santa Marta, Colombia
View 106 other definitions of SMR on the main acronym page
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- SRL Southern Realty LLC
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- SA Selman and Associates
- SCI Sage Computing Inc
- STPL Spinoff Technopark Pvt Ltd
- SWRL Swish White River Ltd.
- SLDC Spring Lake Day Camp
- SFL Shana Foods Ltd
- SABGA Sip Abacus and Brain Gym Academy
- SGHL Speedy Global Holdings Ltd
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- SAA Soho Atlas Architecture